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 What would you do with a Death Note? (in real life)

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Yatikami, Mei
Kokoro no Kizu
Ravenicka(AKA R)
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What would you do with a Death Note? (in real life) Empty
PostSubject: What would you do with a Death Note? (in real life)   What would you do with a Death Note? (in real life) EmptySun Mar 16, 2008 1:19 am

Hello everyone! This is my first topic post! (Did you hear that, Lightkun?)

Anyway, the question is really what the title is... what would you do with a Death Note? However, I want realistic answers, so don't post things like "I would slaughter the entire world" unless you really would... in which case I pray for you. Also, I'd like to know how you'd feel about it, if you don't mind!

Remember, the keyword for this topic is REALISTIC!
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What would you do with a Death Note? (in real life) Empty
PostSubject: Re: What would you do with a Death Note? (in real life)   What would you do with a Death Note? (in real life) EmptySun Mar 16, 2008 2:34 am

i'd probably think about useing it as Light did...but after using it once i'd realize the power and burn it...
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What would you do with a Death Note? (in real life) Empty
PostSubject: Re: What would you do with a Death Note? (in real life)   What would you do with a Death Note? (in real life) EmptySun Mar 16, 2008 2:49 am

Yeah... having all that power would scare me.

If I found one, I would probably dismiss it as some sick joke and maybe throw it away... but then again, I might keep it if I was in the right mood. I have to admit, though... if I did use it and it worked, I'd be terrified... but would I really get rid of it? It truly disturbs me to say this, but I really don't know if I would. There have been times that I've thought of getting rid of criminals that way... wished I could do that... wanted to be Kira...

Geez, I'm scared of myself now...

Oh No
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Ravenicka(AKA R)
Ravenicka(AKA R)

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What would you do with a Death Note? (in real life) Empty
PostSubject: Re: What would you do with a Death Note? (in real life)   What would you do with a Death Note? (in real life) EmptySun Mar 16, 2008 12:41 pm

If I found a Death Note,I would probably test it first to see if it's real by killing an animal first(even though I freakin love animals it's still better than killing a person)and then use it to kill people who try to hurt my friends.I have a friend who had a boyfriend who beat the crap out of her and says he wants her back.She also had an abusive father and she's scared he will come after her.I will protect people,but not kill already convicted criminals.They have already gotten their human sentence in prison.When they do die,they can take it up with God.Although,seeing as I have a short temper and little patience with both of my sisters,I might kill them when I'm on a rampage cause they pissed me off........I better not find a Death Note or I might go power mad.Although,I would like to have a shinigami as a companion.Knowing I have a death god on my side would make me feel safe.
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Kokoro no Kizu
Kokoro no Kizu

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What would you do with a Death Note? (in real life) Empty
PostSubject: Re: What would you do with a Death Note? (in real life)   What would you do with a Death Note? (in real life) EmptySun Mar 16, 2008 1:40 pm

Hm, I would dissmiss it as just a cool gothic looking note book, I'd though tested it on soneone eveybody hates (which I know 1 person at least that my whole school hates)

I wouldn't use it from then on, though I'd keep it for the shinigami, he/she could help me with poker, though I would regretfully use it to my advantage and kill people who deserved to die
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Female Number of posts : 855
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What would you do with a Death Note? (in real life) Empty
PostSubject: Re: What would you do with a Death Note? (in real life)   What would you do with a Death Note? (in real life) EmptySun Mar 16, 2008 3:18 pm

I'd eat it.
Not really.

I'd keep it around 'cause having a shinigami would be cool until they started getting on my nerves about not having enough apples around. I'd probably doodle in it or write stuff in it, instead of writing people's names in it. I'd draw lots of pretty muffins all over in it. (That last bit's a lie)
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Ravenicka(AKA R)
Ravenicka(AKA R)

Female Number of posts : 3566
Age : 31
Location : Somewhere I don't want to be right now......I'm gonna go gut a clown.
Registration date : 2008-03-05

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What would you do with a Death Note? (in real life) Empty
PostSubject: Re: What would you do with a Death Note? (in real life)   What would you do with a Death Note? (in real life) EmptySun Mar 16, 2008 4:05 pm

OutcastLover wrote:
Yeah... having all that power would scare me.

If I found one, I would probably dismiss it as some sick joke and maybe throw it away... but then again, I might keep it if I was in the right mood. I have to admit, though... if I did use it and it worked, I'd be terrified... but would I really get rid of it? It truly disturbs me to say this, but I really don't know if I would. There have been times that I've thought of getting rid of criminals that way... wished I could do that... wanted to be Kira...

Geez, I'm scared of myself now...

Oh No
lol I'm scared of myself too.I like your sig by the way.
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Male Number of posts : 36
Age : 105
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What would you do with a Death Note? (in real life) Empty
PostSubject: Re: What would you do with a Death Note? (in real life)   What would you do with a Death Note? (in real life) EmptySun Mar 16, 2008 8:01 pm

Ravenicka(AKA R) wrote:
OutcastLover wrote:
Yeah... having all that power would scare me.

If I found one, I would probably dismiss it as some sick joke and maybe throw it away... but then again, I might keep it if I was in the right mood. I have to admit, though... if I did use it and it worked, I'd be terrified... but would I really get rid of it? It truly disturbs me to say this, but I really don't know if I would. There have been times that I've thought of getting rid of criminals that way... wished I could do that... wanted to be Kira...

Geez, I'm scared of myself now...

Oh No
lol I'm scared of myself too.I like your sig by the way.

Thank you.
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Male Number of posts : 51
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What would you do with a Death Note? (in real life) Empty
PostSubject: Re: What would you do with a Death Note? (in real life)   What would you do with a Death Note? (in real life) EmptySun Mar 16, 2008 8:08 pm

I'd keep it with me until it becomes of good use. Possibly do what Raito did and kill off criminals.
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Ravenicka(AKA R)
Ravenicka(AKA R)

Female Number of posts : 3566
Age : 31
Location : Somewhere I don't want to be right now......I'm gonna go gut a clown.
Registration date : 2008-03-05

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What would you do with a Death Note? (in real life) Empty
PostSubject: Re: What would you do with a Death Note? (in real life)   What would you do with a Death Note? (in real life) EmptySun Mar 16, 2008 9:10 pm

OutcastLover wrote:
Ravenicka(AKA R) wrote:
OutcastLover wrote:
Yeah... having all that power would scare me.

If I found one, I would probably dismiss it as some sick joke and maybe throw it away... but then again, I might keep it if I was in the right mood. I have to admit, though... if I did use it and it worked, I'd be terrified... but would I really get rid of it? It truly disturbs me to say this, but I really don't know if I would. There have been times that I've thought of getting rid of criminals that way... wished I could do that... wanted to be Kira...

Geez, I'm scared of myself now...

Oh No
lol I'm scared of myself too.I like your sig by the way.

Thank you.
You're welcome.
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Female Number of posts : 9
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Location : some place peaceful...
Registration date : 2008-03-14

What would you do with a Death Note? (in real life) Empty
PostSubject: Re: What would you do with a Death Note? (in real life)   What would you do with a Death Note? (in real life) EmptyMon Mar 17, 2008 2:56 pm

hmmm. On one hand, I probably wouldn't get rid of it or atleast not right away. I'd keep it for an emergency or somethig ya know (that said emergency is in your emagination) but then again I would probably never use it.I prefer the the way of killing people that requires more effort. I would just have the shinigami as company until I got bored with him/her or if they wanted to go back. On the other hand I could use it to get rid of a few people who have caused me great pain which sounds very appealing at this moment. *smirk* nothing petty though. I would have to have a pretty damn good reason to damn myself for all eternity.
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Female Number of posts : 19
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What would you do with a Death Note? (in real life) Empty
PostSubject: Re: What would you do with a Death Note? (in real life)   What would you do with a Death Note? (in real life) EmptyWed Mar 19, 2008 6:16 pm

I guess I use it you know f-for emergancys *evil grin*
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Female Number of posts : 4
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Registration date : 2008-03-15

What would you do with a Death Note? (in real life) Empty
PostSubject: Re: What would you do with a Death Note? (in real life)   What would you do with a Death Note? (in real life) EmptyThu Mar 20, 2008 9:45 pm

I would probably keep it just so I can talk to the Shinigami, and then when I get bored of that I would sell it on e-bay!
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Male Number of posts : 36
Age : 105
Registration date : 2008-03-09

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What would you do with a Death Note? (in real life) Empty
PostSubject: Re: What would you do with a Death Note? (in real life)   What would you do with a Death Note? (in real life) EmptyFri Mar 21, 2008 9:43 am

/**O**/ wrote:
I would probably keep it just so I can talk to the Shinigami, and then when I get bored of that I would sell it on e-bay!

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Ravenicka(AKA R)
Ravenicka(AKA R)

Female Number of posts : 3566
Age : 31
Location : Somewhere I don't want to be right now......I'm gonna go gut a clown.
Registration date : 2008-03-05

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What would you do with a Death Note? (in real life) Empty
PostSubject: Re: What would you do with a Death Note? (in real life)   What would you do with a Death Note? (in real life) EmptyFri Mar 21, 2008 4:32 pm

/**O**/ wrote:
I would probably keep it just so I can talk to the Shinigami, and then when I get bored of that I would sell it on e-bay!
No,sell it to the leprechauns and let them sell it on ebay.They pay you for the death note and then give you the money for it when it's sold on ebay.Trust me.That's why my sisters are gone lol jk jk
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Male Number of posts : 383
Age : 36
Location : uk
Registration date : 2008-02-03

Shinigami Powers
Death God and Death Gods Name: 0 Name=shinigami shinwa jin
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Shinigami Eyes: 120

What would you do with a Death Note? (in real life) Empty
PostSubject: Re: What would you do with a Death Note? (in real life)   What would you do with a Death Note? (in real life) EmptyFri Mar 21, 2008 5:27 pm

draw boobs in it i guess
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Male Number of posts : 36
Age : 105
Registration date : 2008-03-09

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What would you do with a Death Note? (in real life) Empty
PostSubject: Re: What would you do with a Death Note? (in real life)   What would you do with a Death Note? (in real life) EmptySat Mar 22, 2008 2:18 am

myth wrote:
draw boobs in it i guess

That was random...
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Female Number of posts : 244
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Location : In your closet eating candy
Registration date : 2008-03-07

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What would you do with a Death Note? (in real life) Empty
PostSubject: Re: What would you do with a Death Note? (in real life)   What would you do with a Death Note? (in real life) EmptySat Mar 22, 2008 1:09 pm

i'd keep it and talk to the shinigami then for the death note i'd write everyones name in it but set the year to 300000 and control their actions but the shinigami would be fun
i would so not get the eyes
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What would you do with a Death Note? (in real life) Empty
PostSubject: Re: What would you do with a Death Note? (in real life)   What would you do with a Death Note? (in real life) EmptySat Mar 22, 2008 1:48 pm

Fury I kill people and Why you ask... Because I'd do it out of boredom
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Female Number of posts : 855
Age : 33
Location : The places in your closet you never knew existed
Registration date : 2008-02-10

Shinigami Powers
Death God and Death Gods Name: 1000 Name= Ibara
Death Note: 100
Shinigami Eyes: 2000

What would you do with a Death Note? (in real life) Empty
PostSubject: Re: What would you do with a Death Note? (in real life)   What would you do with a Death Note? (in real life) EmptySat Mar 22, 2008 1:51 pm

That's always a fun reason. yawn
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Male Number of posts : 383
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Registration date : 2008-02-03

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Shinigami Eyes: 120

What would you do with a Death Note? (in real life) Empty
PostSubject: Re: What would you do with a Death Note? (in real life)   What would you do with a Death Note? (in real life) EmptySat Mar 22, 2008 2:33 pm

OutcastLover wrote:
myth wrote:
draw boobs in it i guess

That was random...
yes....... yes it was
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Ravenicka(AKA R)
Ravenicka(AKA R)

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Location : Somewhere I don't want to be right now......I'm gonna go gut a clown.
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What would you do with a Death Note? (in real life) Empty
PostSubject: Re: What would you do with a Death Note? (in real life)   What would you do with a Death Note? (in real life) EmptySat Mar 22, 2008 2:57 pm

shizune_lawliet wrote:
Fury I kill people and Why you ask... Because I'd do it out of boredom
lol I agree with you,except for me it would be all family MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ROFL bwahaha Super evil
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Male Number of posts : 383
Age : 36
Location : uk
Registration date : 2008-02-03

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Death God and Death Gods Name: 0 Name=shinigami shinwa jin
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Shinigami Eyes: 120

What would you do with a Death Note? (in real life) Empty
PostSubject: Re: What would you do with a Death Note? (in real life)   What would you do with a Death Note? (in real life) EmptySat Mar 22, 2008 3:16 pm

i will still draw boobs
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Ravenicka(AKA R)
Ravenicka(AKA R)

Female Number of posts : 3566
Age : 31
Location : Somewhere I don't want to be right now......I'm gonna go gut a clown.
Registration date : 2008-03-05

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What would you do with a Death Note? (in real life) Empty
PostSubject: Re: What would you do with a Death Note? (in real life)   What would you do with a Death Note? (in real life) EmptyThu Mar 27, 2008 5:45 pm

yes myth we know
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Yatikami, Mei
Yatikami, Mei

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What would you do with a Death Note? (in real life) Empty
PostSubject: Re: What would you do with a Death Note? (in real life)   What would you do with a Death Note? (in real life) EmptyTue Apr 08, 2008 12:58 pm

I would randomly bump into people so they would touch it and see what happens. Then kill them once my amusement is over! And of course talk to the Shinigami, That would be sooo cool!
*I would make sure Mei-chan, NEVER got a hold of it. And most likely hide it in a safe were no one could get it but myself. And only use it for extream reasons.*
You're no fun Ryota-kun! Heh, that rhymed!!!
*I am, but you're too wild.*

Yatikami, Mei-chan bye
Ryota-kun sobbing
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