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PostSubject: Poems   Poems EmptySat Mar 15, 2008 12:16 pm

You post your poems here!

Keep them all in one post, so if you have a new one edit your post and put it in there.

Here are all the ones of mine I could find!

Waves hitting the shore
Reminding me of what was
What might have been
What we wanted
But now...they are all just memories
Fading away
Now I stop to feel the breeze
Remembering your gentle touch
Waiting for you
Waiting for you to come back
Wishing that you would come back
Hoping everyday that you’ll come home
Always thinking of you
And always waiting for you

Hell's Flames
Hot with Anger
Colored with Hate
Boiling the Blood and Kill all that lay in it's path
Flames that are a Relentless as Death itself
Leaving none alive
Killing Loved ones
Only You can Save Me from Hell's Flames

Hopelessness consumes me
Let it all drift away
Take this dead soul
Do what with it you will
I don't need it anymore
So take this life and do away with it
Because it is not needed here anymore

Life has betrayed me
Taken what I loved the most and left me nothing
Revenge is all I want now
To get back the person I love the most
And if she doesn't want me anymore
Then I shall let her be rid of me
But I will tell her that I will always be here for her
And I will let her know that I will always love her
For all I want is her to be happy
Happy, Free, and Loved
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The Don
The Don

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PostSubject: Re: Poems   Poems EmptySat Mar 15, 2008 12:17 pm

Jake, You should have posted this in the Fan fic.
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Kitty Kat
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PostSubject: Re: Poems   Poems EmptySat Mar 15, 2008 12:17 pm


If I could be something else than a human
I want to be a gigantic Oak one that towers above the rest.
One old that was old, and that had brittle leaves and a huge trunk

I all I want to be is an oak who towers above other people and animals
I wouldn’t care if I were old as time because then younger trees
Would leave me alone and animals would also leave me alone

So what I don’t care if I were left alone by others.
I think that the peaceful and be quiet.
Animals would not nest in me
Because I am very old and brittle and
I could break at any given moment.
And I would hurt their babies.
Heres a horrible poem i did!:

The reason I would want to be an old Oak
Is because I would be individual from the young trees
And they are all young and they would have many animals,
Nesting in them. And believe me that it is very uncomfortable
I like to be tall and not short like those other young trees.
I would not mind if I had a fungus or Ivy growing all over me.

As long as I am alive and that is all that matters to me.
If the humans tried to cut me down I would not care
Because I would let them cut me down.
That is why I want to be an big Oak .
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The Don
The Don

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PostSubject: Re: Poems   Poems EmptySat Mar 15, 2008 12:18 pm

In fact, Hold on. I am moving this to the Fan fic.
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PostSubject: Re: Poems   Poems EmptySat Mar 15, 2008 12:26 pm

I know, I'm sorry, got the topics mixed up!
Really sorry!
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PostSubject: Re: Poems   Poems EmptySat Mar 15, 2008 12:26 pm

happy birthday to me,
I've survived one more year,
I've gained nothing at all,
But more sadness and fear.
happy birthday to me,
All my loved ones have gone,
Burried deep in the ground,
I feel so withdrawn.
happy birthday to me,
I'm (put your age) this year,
All alone by myself,
And wishing you were here.
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Ravenicka(AKA R)
Ravenicka(AKA R)

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PostSubject: Re: Poems   Poems EmptySat Mar 15, 2008 12:51 pm

Dead Inside

Soulless blue eyes that no one sees
The soul crying out for all it's life to be drained
No one knows that behind the smile
All life is now gone and only the shell remains

You're To Blame

Don't say forever
Your words are empty lies
She deserves much better
As she sits and cries

Now everyone she shuns
Because you were a lier
I hope when your day comes
You burn in righteous fire

Now she is in pain
No one left to care
Here faith and heart are slain
And you left her there

Now she's gone
Such a shame
You filthy con
You're to blame

A Memory

I sit here and wonder why i even try to please you
Cause everything just turns out wrong and nothing goes right
I'm afraid of my own thoughts and the things they tell me to do
I know you don't care and you never will so why even bother
My heart,it hurts,and I feel it crack and know it's broken in two
You say you know and you say you've heard,but you never say you care
So I'll just keep sitting here and suffer till I disappear
You won't know and you won't care and then I'll be gone
After that I'll float away into a misty cloud
You can hear me scream and hear me cry,but never admit it aloud
The sky will cry and the trees will bleed and my voice will carry on the wind
My memory will never fade until the wind is forever silent
Until th trees can no longer bleed
Until the shy can no longer cry
I'll be nothing but a memory.

A New Beginning

Sticks and stones can break my bones but words can scar the soul as i stand here and take everything the world can throw at me allowing other people to vent their anger on me.

That is what I am here for as I feel myself being ripped apart and torn to shreds I fall under the weight of others who would wish to see me fall.

You know that I'm the sacrifice and you won't cry for me I know even though I'd die to know you care for me,I'm even more alone than before.

As I lay a huddled broken spirited mass on the ground for others to walk on or walk over I wait and bleed and hope for a quick end and alas the end does not come.

Some people came along and picked up the pieces of me and tried to put them back together.

They found my broken heart and fixed it up so that it'll work even better than before.

They lifted me up off the ground and helped me to my feet.

As I looked toward the sun I felt the weightlessness of freedom and they flew with me into the endless blue sky with the wind to guide us into the light of a new beginning.
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PostSubject: Re: Poems   Poems EmptyFri Mar 21, 2008 12:35 pm

Ryuuzaki wrote:
happy birthday to me,
I've survived one more year,
I've gained nothing at all,
But more sadness and fear.
happy birthday to me,
All my loved ones have gone,
Burried deep in the ground,
I feel so withdrawn.
happy birthday to me,
I'm (put your age) this year,
All alone by myself,
And wishing you were here.

Yours sounds like an amazing tragedy, Rendent.
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PostSubject: Re: Poems   Poems EmptyMon Mar 24, 2008 7:58 pm

well okay this one is about school which I wrote in school


School is boring it just kills
its like taking pills
I'd rather skip then stay
instead of Listing to the teacher saying you cant do it that way

sitting in class doodeling in books
while some girls give me dirty looks

loud never silent its such a pain
I can't take it anymore I'm going insaine

Clutching on my desk trying not to yell
now I'm just hoping everyone would go to hell
staring at my teacher she looks like a duck
man I really wish she would shut up

but we have to go through this all 12 grades
then off to collage what a bad day!
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Yatikami, Mei
Yatikami, Mei

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PostSubject: Re: Poems   Poems EmptyFri Apr 11, 2008 6:44 pm

Colliding Hearts

I can feel the beat
I feel my heart get stronger
I can feel the heat
My heart will beat longer

You feel the rush
The love goes through your head
It makes you blush
Before you fall into bed

Then the two hearts collide
Making something new
You feel it inside
You start to get a clue

The hearts get combined, it is love
You know it's there, it comes from above

Yea! Poem! It's old but oh well!

Yatikami, Mei-chan bye
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PostSubject: Re: Poems   Poems EmptySun Apr 13, 2008 8:30 pm

self prescribed pain killers
and kill the pain the do
while they rip and slash
and tear and thrash
i cry out for you
my heart
your smile
my tears
your style
my baby is killing me
ripping out my heart
cant believe i was so stupid
i could've stopped this from the start
and when you laugh at me
i just want to die
ask me if im in love with you
told you i coudnt lie
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Yatikami, Mei
Yatikami, Mei

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PostSubject: Re: Poems   Poems EmptyMon Apr 14, 2008 6:41 pm

A love that should be strong is falling apart
We can't trust eachother or make a fresh start
When we try to talk you just end up yelling at me
My tears have blinded my eyes so I cannot see
Those words you yell hurt me more than you think
I don't think I'm the one who needs the shrink
Don't you see all the things I could be?
Mommy why cant you just love me......?

(When I was younger, And I still feel this way...)
Yatikami, Mei-chan bye
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Yatikami, Mei
Yatikami, Mei

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PostSubject: Re: Poems   Poems EmptyMon Apr 14, 2008 6:49 pm

A step in the dark, that once was the light
A shining of hope, throughout all the night
In a simple world, I would sing you a song
But this world is not simple, this world is just wrong
A passing of fates that would never be
It could never be easy, just you and me
The stars are shining, up in the sky
I wonder if... I'll ever fly
The wings I dream of, so far away
It seems so simple, never the day
I'll keep on wishing for the light of the moon
Though I know if it comes, it won't be too soon
I'll be gone and away, that's when it will come
Because I'm not there, though I'm not the sun
The sound of rock music fading away
Into classical numbers, I can not stay
A friend that I had, I know that I've lost
Those memories still haunt me, for I have no cross
A guitar strumming solo, in which lovers would dance
I look past the music, past the romance
And wish I could have it, just like you do
I wish I could have it, I wish dreams would come true
But you'll never see me, for what I once was
When we passed in the hall, just because
My smile that lit up, from your rare one
And you'd laugh and say, it's as bright as the sun
But now you've walked away from me
A simple step broken for thee
The music that played will play no more
Now that I'm here, crying on the floor
A loss so great, I know I must say
One last thing for my one last day
After this, I know that you'll run
Even farther from me than what you've become
So I'll say it now, to save me from pain
Even though I know it's all in vain
I've walked so far by the end of the day
But I still love you...

Yatikami, Mei-chan bye
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Yatikami, Mei
Yatikami, Mei

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PostSubject: Re: Poems   Poems EmptyWed Apr 16, 2008 5:10 pm

"Blood" is in Uchiha, Sasuke's p.o.v. And "Regret" is in Uzumaki, Naruto's. Slightly yaoi if you look deep. Sorry It's Naruto!!


A beautiful arc of copper rain
Flash of steel and ice cold pain
I bleed black on the pale carpet floor
Caught in your eyes I wish to be no more
In this biting bitter pain there is some delight
I’ll feel something again, even if just for tonight
You carried me this far – bastard, selfish pig
Made me think my life was worth something big
I hate you, how you weakened me with every peel
I despise these wounds that won’t ever heal
This prick is just one of thousands I’ve endured
Not one more breath for you, my make-believe cure
My blood runs black like the color of my soul
Tainted beyond measure, all part of this whole
This creature of white flesh and weak mortal pain
I hate what you did to me again and again
Go away moron, I don’t need your pity
Your golden words and blue eyes, sinfully pretty
I die on your conscious without looking back
Short one grain of truth I don’t mind having lacked
Because I don’t want to know if the black I bleed is true
Because somewhere, deep down, I hope it’s the same color as you


You died a stupid, cowardly, thoughtless death
There was no great challenge on the battlefield met
It was no worthy opponent who ran you through
It seemed your greatest foe was none other than you
You left it so I found you dead, curled up on the floor
Surrounded by your own sticky copper gore
I won't even bother asking why you did
Or how you expect me to continue to live
After all my words, I wonder if you ever really cared
At least pretended they got through that skull of black hair
Red eyes that haunted me on too many sleepless nights
A cocky grin that never let me leave without a fight
Would it have made a difference to tell you how I feel?
Or was it just asking to get my heart ground under your heel
You selfish bastard, what end was this going to bring?
If you wanted to die, why not give me your neck to wring
At least then I would've been the last thing in your eyes
Instead of this cold room and picture frames broken by lies
What pushed you over the edge, I may never come to know
Your brother was already dead, killed by you far from home
Maybe our teacher was right, and you were left with nothing inside
All I know is that, with you gone, a part of me has permanently died

Yatikami, Mei-chan bye
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Yatikami, Mei
Yatikami, Mei

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PostSubject: Re: Poems   Poems EmptyWed Apr 16, 2008 5:21 pm

"If Drinking Don’t Kill Me"

I want to give up,
I don’t want to go on.
I want to give up,
Because Love you’re gone.
You were my sunshine,
Without you it’s dark.
You were my sunshine,
And also my heart.
The liquor I drink
To help clear you from mind,
Does nothing to help me,
And neither will time.
If drinking don’t kill me,
My own blood I’ll spill.
If drinking don’t kill me…
Your memory will.

Yatikami, Mei-chan bye
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Yatikami, Mei
Yatikami, Mei

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PostSubject: Re: Poems   Poems EmptyWed Apr 16, 2008 5:28 pm

"What God?"

A god is what you thougt you could be?
A perfect being for the world to see
With a stroke of a tool in your right hand
You had the power of death at your command
Lives were destroyed and lives deceived
All to accomplish what you believed,
To be a perfect world free from sin
A utopia where only the righteous dwell
Couldn’t you see, couldn’t you tell?
What you wanted couldn’t be real
Because perfection is just an ideal
Justice is beyond right and wrong
It is equal, just, and always fair
Was that too much for you to bear?
You put your faith into a tool that kills
Your sense of justice cast to a flame
You failed yourself and followers too,
And your family and friends won’t be the same
Because you yourself are the one to blame
What kind of god turns on his disciples?
What kind of god can go insane?
What kind of god needs to think he is god?
What kind of god seeks personal gain?
You lost everything precious you once had
Your soul is tarnished and stained
This ordeal has made you a ‘nothing’
So nothingness is where you’ll remain.

For Yagami(Imagay!) Light! from Death Note(No duh! even though I dont like you!)

Yatikami, Mei-chan bye
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Ravenicka(AKA R)
Ravenicka(AKA R)

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PostSubject: Re: Poems   Poems EmptyThu Apr 17, 2008 4:33 pm

Yatikami, Mei wrote:
"What God?"

A god is what you thougt you could be?
A perfect being for the world to see
With a stroke of a tool in your right hand
You had the power of death at your command
Lives were destroyed and lives deceived
All to accomplish what you believed,
To be a perfect world free from sin
A utopia where only the righteous dwell
Couldn’t you see, couldn’t you tell?
What you wanted couldn’t be real
Because perfection is just an ideal
Justice is beyond right and wrong
It is equal, just, and always fair
Was that too much for you to bear?
You put your faith into a tool that kills
Your sense of justice cast to a flame
You failed yourself and followers too,
And your family and friends won’t be the same
Because you yourself are the one to blame
What kind of god turns on his disciples?
What kind of god can go insane?
What kind of god needs to think he is god?
What kind of god seeks personal gain?
You lost everything precious you once had
Your soul is tarnished and stained
This ordeal has made you a ‘nothing’
So nothingness is where you’ll remain.

For Yagami(Imagay!) Light! from Death Note(No duh! even though I dont like you!)

Yatikami, Mei-chan bye
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Yatikami, Mei
Yatikami, Mei

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PostSubject: Re: Poems   Poems EmptyThu Apr 17, 2008 7:05 pm


Yatikami, Mei-chan bye
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Ravenicka(AKA R)
Ravenicka(AKA R)

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PostSubject: Re: Poems   Poems EmptyThu Apr 17, 2008 7:29 pm

Duh,I compliment anything that disses Light Imagay.But yours was awsomeness.
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Yatikami, Mei
Yatikami, Mei

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PostSubject: Re: Poems   Poems EmptyThu Apr 17, 2008 7:30 pm

~bows~ Thank you, thank you, you're too kind!

Yatikami, Mei-chan bye
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Ravenicka(AKA R)
Ravenicka(AKA R)

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PostSubject: Re: Poems   Poems EmptyThu Apr 17, 2008 7:51 pm

*sarcastically*oh you aren't full of yourself at all!!!lol
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Yatikami, Mei
Yatikami, Mei

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PostSubject: Re: Poems   Poems EmptyThu Apr 17, 2008 7:59 pm

I know! Where do people think of that!?!?

Yatikami, Mei-chan bye
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Ravenicka(AKA R)
Ravenicka(AKA R)

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PostSubject: Re: Poems   Poems EmptyThu Apr 17, 2008 8:12 pm

lol gee I wonder why?
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Yatikami, Mei
Yatikami, Mei

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PostSubject: Re: Poems   Poems EmptyFri Apr 18, 2008 4:05 pm

~shrugs shoulders~ D'no...

Yatikami, Mei-chan bye
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Ravenicka(AKA R)
Ravenicka(AKA R)

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PostSubject: Re: Poems   Poems EmptyFri Apr 18, 2008 7:11 pm

sigh I need a granola bar.....NOW!!!
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